Members of the Kosovo Civil Society Consortium for Sustainable Development, KOSID, raised their voices on key environmental issues during the campaign for the extraordinary parliamentary elections held on October 6.
KOSID members Jeta Xharra, Dajana Berisha and Viktor Berishaj all appeared as part the #DebatPernime series of televised debates broadcast during the election campaign, questioning prime ministerial candidates as well as a team of candidates from their party standing to be elected to the Kosovo Assembly.
The questions focussed mainly on the construction of a third coal-fired power plant in Kosovo, as well as how energy issues have been addressed in the parties’ 4-year political programs. The issue divided the parties, with some continuing to support the construction of the power plant while others were more reserved.
Some of the questions posed to candidates include:
“What are the party’s views on the construction of a third coal-fired power plant?”
“Where do the party stand on the contract that the previous government signed with Contour Global?”
“What are the party’s plans for ensuring energy stability in Kosovo?”
“Will the party continue to invest in coal?”
“Where do the party stand on investments in renewable energy sources and other alternatives to energy production?”
An edited video containing all of the questions posed and the candidates responses can be seen below.